Monday, September 22, 2008

Whistles Between The Holes.

You know what I find annoying on MSN?? The nick of those people who I don't know why adds what they're doing onto their nick, like for example:

Bla bla bla is going to KK tomorrow.


Bla bla bla is currently at mamik with cousins.


Bla bla bla is getting ready for tonight's outing.

Well guess what?? No one needs to know! If you wanna do it, then let me show you how its done.

Andy Chung is shitting/onlining. Current Time - 6.50pm, will be done by 11.45pm.


Anyhoo, I got my teeth extracted today. It was crazy! Four tooth at one go. 8 injections. The amazing part was that I felt no pain at all. It was practically painless and guess what?? The dentist really really loves my teeth XP. Wanna know why?? Cause all 4 of my tooth that were extracted were 3 rooted. He said I was the only one he ever saw that had 3 rooted teeth. Everyone else has only 1 root. For those of you who are completely blank right now, root is the hook area where you teeth joins with your gum. The function of it is to hold the teeth firm, if your root breaks, your tooth falls. So yeah.

After I was done with all 4 tooth, I asked the dentist if I could keep my 4 tooth and he said that he wanted to keep it cause its unique, so I let him keep it XP. You had no idea how hard it was for me to go on my day after that experience. My whole mouth was so numb that it was like having botox on my face. I couldnt even smile or frown! And it was sooo numb that blood and saliva kept overflowing. I know its disgusting but yeah, I had to constantly wipe my mouth. The numbness only went away after like 3 - 4 hours!

My mouth feels so empty right now, with 4 of my tooth missing. The braces are coming soon and its gonna be a bitch. I'll be getting them by Thursday. So just you wait C=.

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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