Saturday, June 14, 2008

When The Hole You Left Was Finally Filled.

Life. Such a simple yet complicated word. Why do we worry so much about how our life is going to turn out?? Why are we striving to go all the way to the top to end up as workaholics?? So much concern about one's life. People are dying to live, but for what purpose?? Are we just gonna grow up as normal ordinary common people that roams around the world?? Or are we the few who are able to strive to perfection and do extra ordinary things.

We don't normally hate life. Even though we bitch about how our life sucks and how much we hate it. But when it comes to a life threatening occasion, we would be engulfed in fear, not being able to move. But there are times when the fear of living is worst than that of fearing of death. Which is why we commit suicide, to ease and stop the suffering once and for all. But what I've heard and believe is that, committing suicide is the own choice of that person, and God did not agree upon that decision made by that person. And because we all have our life lines created once we were born, if your line ain't broken yet, then you are not allowed to enter the gates of heaven. Even if you commit suicide, if your line ain't broken yet, God would place you on earth roaming as a spirit until your time comes. Ordinary people would find you, and finally release you.

There will always be war no matter where you go. Not the war you find with army men shooting and gunning down their enemies. The war you have in your head. The war could be anything. Making a life changing decision, can't stop thinking of a loved one, the hatred for someone who has ruined your life. No matter how hard we try, we can never run from them. And for those people who claimed that their life's a bitch and want to go back to the past when everything was perfect. Well, I say to you, you guys are idiots. Sorry to say, but its true. Going back to the past where everything was perfect is a stupid thing to do. Why go back to something that was already perfect?? So you can screw it up?? You can't live life by clinging on to the past. And its just too early for our age to be reminiscing about the past.

We are still able to move, to change, to make a difference. Its not the time to reminisce the past yet. How many perfect moments do you have?? 1?? 2?? Its just not the time yet. Thats why we created memories now so that when we're old and waiting for our time to come, we can reminisce about the good old days. Our legs hinder us from moving, our eyes obstruct our view. We can no longer do anything but remember the past. That is the time for us to be reminiscing. Yeah sure, parties and hanging out with friends are moments to reminisced about, but we're gonna find out that those play a small part in our life. The major events are yet to come. The day when you're finally engaged, the time of your marriage, the moment a child is born, the time spent raising that child, the time when you finally had to let go and the time the two retired couple went on vacations together.

Life isn't about the past or the future. Its about being right here, right now. Whatever task comes our way, we should tackle it one at a time. There's no point in worrying about the future when you're enjoying the present. When it comes down to just the present, you can see that, life isn't really that hard or scary at all.

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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