Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Moon And The Sun.

Sorry, I haven't been a good friend lately. I know I've told you I've been busy the last couple of days. But to be honest, I wasn't. I was actually having a break down. My life was falling apart. And I know I didn't tell you anything. Its just that, I feel that our friendship is crumbling. And I feel that the only thing binding us together is a piece of manga strip. It's not that I don't want you to know. It's just that, I want you to be able to come to me when you need help and because of that, I can never break down, I can never fall so that you'll always see me as this idol that you'd look up to.

I know you feel left out. I know you feel like you're not a part of my life no more. But you're wrong. I can't lie to you, during your birthday, when you said it was canceled, I was really disappointed cause I was really looking forward to it. But when you said you'll reschedule it, it made me feel better. I know you feel jealous, and I'm sorry about that. It wasn't suppose to be that way.

It just that, I feel that you've got someone now, and I see you happy in school and everything else seems to be going well for you, and I hate to be the one to smash everything up. I thought you needed me less. I could be the guy you come to for a small chit chat and maybe have a laugh or two. But I was wrong. And I don't wanna brag but, you still need me don't you?? Please say yes, cause...I need you too =D.

School may be a bitch, life may suck most of the time but you know that I'm always a phone call away. Owh and you know what?? Your mobile number is the only number I could remember, cause its easy C=. Plus I need it when I have an emergency and I don't have my phone with me. I could call you instantly.

Don't worry, you're not just another chapter in my life. Remember what I used to always say to you when we were in our primary days?? Bro and Sis Forever. I know its cheezy. But fuck that! People who think its cheezy don't know what a bond really is C=.

So I say, Jia Hui, don't worry. I'm here. As long as I'm still breathing, you can come to me anytime C=.

Love you loads C=.

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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