Friday, August 29, 2008

Black, White and Red.

I had this dream. It's still circulating in my head. How could so many people, all with different faces, unknown faces - yet, some with familiar faces all appear in not just one dream.. but three. were in it. Tiff, you too. Bel, you kept following Tiff. Even Wen Yi, you were noticeable. Jon you were like the main one in one of my dreams. Benny, Ian, Hean..people are hardly know. Lu See, Aime, Jia Hui, Yazin, Leong - You guys appeared in it too.

It all happened very clearly. The memory of the dreams are still in my head, all clear, like as if I was watching it again as I say it. Alicia.. you came looking for me. I was having an outing with Aime. You took me and Aime into the cinema. No one was there. It was dark, and we walked into a dark corner where the walk seemed endless. I popped into another place. A place I have never seen before. It was another building. The area was massive. We were at ground floor, staring up to the 20th floor through the circular hole in the building. Each floor was packed with people.

Jon passed through. And he called me to follow. Aime was gone, Alicia too. He brought me to this fountain located inside the building. The water was shallow, filled with flat stones that could be stepped on with ancient stone heads spitting out water from their mouths. It was scary, and yet beautiful. Tiff and Bel came along with Wen Yi. I chatted with them a little.

Andy: What're you guys doing here??
Tiff: We got chosen too.

I was blank. They walked away. Jon came back and without even knowing what I was doing, I said "I'm in it too." It was weird. I remembered I saw Jia Hui, and I sneaked up behind her...I still wished her happy birthday. Jia Hui, you said you were going to have breakfast at the cafeteria and asked me if I would like to join you. I said yes. We walked through this door, and this time we were outside..but was still surrounded by a whole lot of long shops that never seem to end. And yet, none of the stores were open. Everything was white, the floor, the buildings, everything. Alicia joined us again. We walked for quite sometime. I fell through the floor and the fall seemed endless. I hit rock bottom eventually. Thats when my whole body jerked up and I woke from my sleep. It was just a dream.

It didnt take me long to fall back asleep. I had the same dream again. I was brought back to before I fell. This time, I walked to the far side instead of the middle. Nothing happened. No fall. We reached the cafeteria. Jon, Benny and the gang were there..eating. Everyone sat at one table. I had no idea what was going on. The place was really bright. Probably because everything was white in colour. The sun was blocked by the roof above our heads. I went for a walk, alone. I could see the sun but the view around me..were just plain white blocks of shops. The sky turned dark really quickly..and it was a mixture of black and red. A lighting flashed through the sky. The sound of the thunder was unbearable. Thats when I woke up again.

It was thundering outside. But no rain. My heart was beating really fast, but i went back to sleep since it was thundering and it makes me comfortable sleeping. Don't ask me why, it just does. What came after, was no longer a dream. It was a nightmare. People were running and screaming, thats what I remembered. Its as if the dream continued. I walked against the crowd all coming at me. I dont know, I was walking to the cafeteria. But the crowd passed, and no one was left. The paths seems so different. It was all red and black. Shadows were passing from each corner. It was creepy. I ran. I saw Leong with Yazin, something happened to them. They were standing still, not even a blink. its as if they were dummies.

I saw Lu See which was one of the shadows I tried to follow. It was her's. She told me to run and she pulled me by the wrist and started running. The run was endless, but i wasn't feeling a bit tired. Not even a drop of sweat. were on the second floor. I could see plants burning, but everything was a mixture of black and red. I saw a shadow in front, hiding behind an alley. I felt it wasnt right. I stopped, pulled Lu See backwards, and pulled another time on her and she stumbled really far behind me. The last image I saw, was quick and terrifying. As soon as I pulled Lu See behind me, I took a look back to see if Lu See was okay and told her to run. As soon as I turned back to look front, this skull-like beast was locking face to face with me, and in an instant, the huge paw..or just a giant hand with claws..i dont know. I was slash in the head.

I woke up. All sweaty. It was 5am. My room was hot. I didnt go back to sleep. My heart was beating surprisingly fast. It took me a while to calm down. I took my shower for more than 30mins. Just standing under the shower head. The water was cold, but it woke me up.
I'm still confused though. What was I at that place for?? Was I chosen for something?? Whatever it is..I'm just glad its over.

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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