Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Though Men Drink Milk!

Man, I do love the song California by Metro Station, it sets the mood right. Like when the sun is setting and you had a really fun day but you just dont want that day to end yet but you cant help but watch as the sun goes down. It's gonna be the theme song for my blog soon.

So I had a good day today. Physic was alright. Confusions with the exercises but its nothing abnormal. Chemistry was alright too. Malay was quite, something. XD. My Malay teacher has always thought of me as the good, smart boy in class, well I guess not anymore. I always leave my folder on my table since I sit alone and have this huge big ass space all to myself and since we finished our work early, we were allowed to do anything we want. I was writing something on my exam pad and teacher came over and opened my file and she saw a post-it stuck on the first page that says " Andy, You're my bitch! <33 Jazz." And she was shouting that line while she was reading it. Creepy shit man. But yeah, Jazz, I'll always be your bitch! XD. Whats more creepy is that on the first page too, there's this "picture" that i drew when I was in form 3.[The picture was created by Andy, Edited by Arif, Crumpled by Senussi and Joel] It was like a code thing, and she showed it to everyone, and my friends started to crack the code, some of them knew what it mean cause I told them last year.

This Picture.

They managed to crack the code for Andy and the word Love. XD. But yeah it was scary but they didn't manage to crack the code XP.

The rest of the day was okay. I watched friends just now and I liked how Ross and Monica danced. XD. Sexy kaliah. And I like a sentence quoted by Joey "Whatever Happens, Happens"

I've been thinking and finally came to a conclusion that I don't believe in Internet Dating. Not as in chatting with your lover online, no thats fine with me. I'm talking about those dating websites man. I don't find that romantic or sweet. I find it as an attempt of desperation. People who can't find love in the real world and are in a desperate state, goes into the cyber world to find their significant other like its their last resort. Plus what if the person you found ain't real?? I mean, I can enter my name as Mary Jane and insert a picture of Lu See and said that thats me. You'll never know what shit you'll find on the internet man.

So tonight, England Vs USA. 3am.

Gonna watch that man!

So I'm gonna be emo tomorrow morning. XD

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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