Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I love Miley Cyrus Yo!

After surfing through a few blogs, I was how you say...Inspired to blog again. I had been really lazy these days and a lil bit envious of the people around me. They were all having some work that are actually stressing them out. And as weird as it may sound, I envy that. It beats staying in my room, in the dark doing nothing but staring into the laptop. And while on the laptop, I wasn't doing anything, just staring at the everchanging download rates of my movies.

Anyhoo, i don't know it this is good news but it is definitely great news to me. =D.
Miley Cyrus had her 2nd photo scandal. FINALLY!! been waiting for her to slip up someday and yeah I love her very very much XD.

But one thing i dont understand. Why do they make such big deals on these pictures?? Its not like she's nude or anything. Its just a country girl feeling horny, and thats it. I mean honestly, people do get horny sometimes. It is abnormal if you dont get horny. Even animals get horny.

So anyhoo, I have this one picture which i took on my sports day with Olivia and I like it very much XD. We look a lil alike though.

Damn, I'm sleepy and I got this D.Maths Homework to finish up. Science Classes are having alot of homeworks. Sucks to be smart. But what to do. =B.

.Kuroro Lucifer.

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