Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mark's Amazing Dance Skills.

Day Twenty-One,

Sorry that it took me so long to write another post, I've been busy(lazy) lately. I had a hell of a week, the good kind. It was all about the campaign for my student council. I was running for the Head of Subcom and the whole 4-day campaign was to introduce yourself to people and tell them what you can do for them. There were alot of people campaigning by the way, cause the student council consist of a President, 2 Vice President, 2 Secretaries, Head of Prom and Head of Subcom.
The campaign was amazing. Seeing people displaying their skills in public speaking and the way they try to convince us to vote for them.

There was a party last night called CAL-ebration where all the students from Cambridge A Levels(CAL) were invited to come and interact with new people and also to partayyy!! They also announced our new Student Council for 2010. Unfortunately, I did not get to be the Head of Subcom. But strangely that doesnt bother me. Because I think that my main priority was to be known by everyone in college and I achieved that. And by campaigning, I became friends with the competitors. Strangers turn into friends and I was happy that my friends won. Its okay that I lost C= I had a really fun time campaigning with/against them.

PARTAY PARTAY PARTAY!!! That was what we did after they announced our student council. It was the first ever party I went to where I enjoyed partying with people that I hardly know. I felt included for some reason and that I've loving how my life is right now. It was truly and awesome awesome night. I love my friends. I don't think I would have gotten this far without them. The pictures are in facebook so go check them out. C= The CAL-ebration party is one to remember. And to think that, this is only the beginning of my college life. C=

You Know I Love You.

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